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Management, Team and Board of Studium Generale

Coordination, Management & Team

Coordination / contact persons for study matters:
Flóra Tálasi and Katrin Wendel

Studium Generale Management and Team:
Prof. Herrmann Schmidt-Rahmer, Executive Director of Studium Generale
Prof. Dr. Philip Hübl, Visiting Professor for Cultural Studies
Prof. Daniel Belasco Rogers, Visiting Professor for Interdisciplinary Artistic Practice and Theory
Flóra Tálasi, Strategic Coordination and Portfolio Development / Intercultural Mentoring
Katrin Wendel, Course Coordination / Project Administration
Leon Vatter, Research Assistant
Anna Lauenstein, Research Assistant
Jakob Grossmann, Research Assistant

Tasks of the Joint Commission for Studium Generale (SGK SG)

  • Structural decisions regarding the overall orientation of Studium Generale
  • Coordination of the teaching program and teaching assignments in Studium Generale
  • Personnel decisions for Studium Generale (coordination office and visiting professorships)
  • Evaluating and discussing of the teaching evaluation of the Studium Generale program
  • Regular decisions on the annual topics of the Studium Generale program
  • Coordination of cooperations with internal and external partnerships and fundings

What is the composition of the Joint Commission of Studium Generale?

The four faculties (Fine Arts, Design, Music, Performing Arts), the Inter-University Center for Dance Berlin (HZT), the Berlin Career College (Zentralinstitut für Weiterbildung, ZIW) as well as the General Students' Committee (AStA) were requested by resolution of the Academic Senate to send representatives for each of the status groups 1 to 4 to the Joint Commission of Studium Generale. In this way, the faculties decide for themselves who will represent their interests in Studium Generale. As soon as a position becomes vacant, the faculties and institutes take care of a replacement individually.

How can I participate?

If you are a student at the Berlin University of the Arts and are interested in becoming a part of the Joint Commission of Studium Generale for your faculty, please contact your respective faculty administration. They are always happy to hear from interested students.

Financial support

Student members or their deputies, members of the AStA or their deputies, and part-time faculty members who participate in the meetings as voting or advisory members receive a meeting allowance in accordance with the University Meeting Allowance Ordinance (Hochschulsitzungsgeldverordnung, HSigVO).

You will receive the form for financial support for your participation in individual meetings via email from sgp_ Please complete it accordingly after attending the meeting and return it again via email.

Joint Commission of Studium Generale (SGK SG)

(Members / Alternate members)

Group 1:
Prof. Dr. Jörg Heiser (F1) / N.N. (F4)
Prof. Dr. Stephan Porombka (F2) / Prof. Bjoern Lehmann (F3)
Prof. Dr. Florian Hadler (ZIW) / Prof. Holger Zebu Kluth (ZIW)
Prof. Dr. Susanne Hauser (F2) / Prof. Dr. Sylvia Wächter (F2)
Prof. Valeska Schmidt‐Thomsen (F2) / Prof. Nina Fischer (F2)
Prof. Dr. Susanne Fontaine (F3) / N.N. (F3)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Fesefeldt (F3) / Prof. Kilian Sprau (F3)
Prof. Hermann Schmidt‐Rahmer (F4) / Prof. Marion Hirte (F4)
N.N. (HZT) / N.N. (HZT)

Group 2:
Anna Bergel (F4) / Dr. Marcus Quent (F1)
Dr. Jakub Sawicki (F3) / Johanna Kirschbauer (F2)
Leon Vatter (SG) / Anna Lauenstein (SG)

Group 3:
Una Steinbrecher (F4) / N.N. (F1)
Emily Adele Adjo (F2) / Elias Braun (F3)
Arwin Ahmadpur (AStA Ref. Soziales und Kulturelles) / Eight Fang (AStA Ref. Studentische Beschäftigte)

Group 4:
N.N. (F1) / N.N. (F4)
Bert Bretschneider (F3) / Imke Keil (F2)
Flóra Tálasi (SG) / Katrin Wendel (SG)

Prof. Dr. Ariane Jeßulat (VP1)
D. Belasco Rogers, Dr. P. Hübl (GP des SG)
Dr. Henrike Lehnguth (Central Women's and Gender Equality Officer)
Dr. Mutlu Ergün‐Hamaz (Central Diversity Officer)
Marion Arnold (Representative for students with disabilities)