Foto: Steffi Weismann
Dear friends of SoundS,
As the we enter a new year we would like to take this opportunity to send you our best wishes for 2025 with some crispy snow sounds and to take a look ahead at what we have in store for the beginning of the year at Sound Studies and Sonic Arts, UdK. Unfortunately, last December not only the cultural institutions in Berlin were announced massive cuts for 2025 by the Senate of Berlin (especially affecting the free art scene), but also all universities in Berlin. We at SoundS will increase our efforts to ensure that the cuts do not affect us as much - or can be offset with other funds. We begin the year with our first sic! lecture of 2025. For this session we will host Jay Afrisando a composer and multimedia artist whose work focuses on aural diversity, disability, accessibility, and decolonizing arts practices. The session takes place on Wednesday, January 22nd at 7pm at our usual spot on Lietzenburger Straße 45, 10789 Berlin, Room 315 in cooperation with UNI.K (Prof. Kirsten Reese). Further to this, I would like to bring your attention to the latest edition of the UDK Journal on "Control" which features the works of two SoundS members. And last but not least, a short reminder that our next application phase will be coming up from the 1st February till 1st March till 1st March 2025.
 Foto: Diana Pfammatter
Sic! - Jay Afrisando: Do you think music is only for persons with 'normal' ears? I don't'
Language: English Lietzenburger Straße 45, 10789 Berlin, Room 315 22 Jan 2025, 7 pm
Through this talk, Jay Afrisando invites the audience to rethink and unlearn what we call "music" and share some best practices to tackle ableism in music/arts practices.
Jay Afrisando is currently a DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Fellow 2024 and an Assistant Professor of Music at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Sic! Sound in Context is a lecture series with international guests on sound art, electronic composition and sound-related media art with talks, presentations and lecture-performances.
A cooperation of
Sound Studies and Sonic Arts (MA) | UdK Berlin UdK Berlin UNI.K | Studio für Elektroakustische Komposition, Klangkunst und Klangforschung more
 Foto: Masoud Morgan, „Khaterat“, 2024
UdK journal 27 "Kontrolle"
Further to this, we would like to bring your attention to the latest edition of the UDK Journal which features the work of two colleagues from the department, namely student Ignacio Briceno's audiovisual installation "MayRhythmOvercomeTheHorrorOfWriting" which was shown at this year's Dystopia Biennial and a retrospective article on two works "turmlaute.2" (2007) and "Dark Matters" (2021) by our Director Georg Klein. more
 Foto: Victor Yrigoyen
Application window opens 1st of February - 1st of March 2025
Last but not least, a quick reminder that our next application phase will be coming up from the 1st February till 1st March 2025. All applicants and especially those with international certificates and diplomas are advised to get acquainted with our application procedure early.
Best regards, Prof. Georg F. Klein
Universität der Künste Berlin Sound Studies and Sonic Arts (MA) Interim Program Director udk-berlin.de/sounds
 Foto: Steffi Weismann