How to Start your Career as a Freelance Artist: Marketing

If you're an artist with aspirations to break into the art market and carve a successful path as a freelancer, or if you're considering venturing into the Arts, this workshop is custom-tailored for you. This workshop is meticulously designed for visual artists, musicians, and performers aiming to establish a sustainable freelance career.

We will provide invaluable advice for emerging artists, along with insights into Sales Techniques, Contracts, Consignment, and Securing a Studio.


Kurzvita Dozentin

Valentina Galossi is an Independent curator born in Rome (1979) and based in Berlin and Rome. She holds a B.A. in Performing Arts and a M.A. in Digital Arts, additionally a fellowship in Contemporary Art at "Palazzo delle Esposizioni". Life of artists in Berlin is the first art guide of its kind and the first art book she has written.