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Black Athena Collective (Heba Y. Amin and Dawit L. Petros): Regimes of Passage, 26.11.2018

As part of the Lecture series "Violence of the Arts" of the DFG Research Training Group “Knowledge in the Arts” in cooperation with Studium Generale, UdK Berlin


Im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung „Gewalt in den Künsten" des DFG-Graduiertenkollegs „Das Wissen der Künste“ in Kooperation mit dem Studium Generale der UdK Berlin


Foto: Gestaltung: Bierler Brell


Monday, 26.11.2018 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Montag, 26.11.2018, 18–20 Uhr

Universität der Künste Berlin
Medienhaus (Aula) 
Grunewaldstr. 2–5
10823 Berlin

Black Athena Collective (Heba Y. Amin and Dawit L. Petros) – Visual Arts, Berlin/Chicago
Regimes of Passage
(in English/in englischer Sprache)


Contemporary understandings of the Red Sea region are fixed to territorial affinities that are entangled in colonial logics. Migration shaped notions of culture in a region that has, for centuries, mediated expansive commercial spheres and circuits. Today, the migration of the Red Sea region conjures a very different imagination. Drawing on recent discoveries linking Egypt to Eritrea, Black Athena Collective (Heba Y. Amin and Dawit L. Petros) will investigate contemporary geographies through the histories of movement using an alternative conceptual framework. Archaeological and forensic approaches to mobility with an array of visual forms will converge into an expanded performance of history.


Black Athena Collective is a research and artistic laboratory for experimentation that engages political discourse and practices of spatial construction connected to the Red Sea region from Eritrea to Egypt. It looks specifically at the architectures of migrancy and the various frameworks of space and territorial demarcations in relation to errant bodies. The collective draws from challenges posed by Martin Bernal’s thesis which questions methodological assumptions embedded within Western historiography. Through multi-­disciplinary perspectives including geography, sociology and history Black Athena Collective raises the question of migration as a crucial principle for imaging new conventions of territory. Central to their investigations are the reconstitution of political spaces and the various architectures and forms of reterritorialization. Black Athena Collective was founded in 2015 by artists Heba Y. Amin (EGY) and Dawit L. Petros (ER/CA).



Ringvorlesung „Gewalt in den Künsten"/ Lecture series "Violence in the Arts"

Weitere Termine/further dates:

3. Dezember 2018: Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński
10. Dezember 2018: Françoise Vergès
28. Januar 2019: Shawn Michelle Smith
4. Februar 2019: Pêdra Costa


Konzept: Elsa Guily, Grit Köppen, Sebastian Köthe
Organisation: Juana Awad, Renate Wöhrer, Team Studium Generale
Support: Johanna Heyne, Sarah Hampel, Alicja Schindler


Das vollständige Programm finden Sie hier.
You can find the programme here.



Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich gern an/If you have any questions please contact:
Juana Awad
Graduiertenkolleg „Das Wissen der Künste”, UdK Berlin
Einsteinufer 43–53, Raum 214, 10587 Berlin
E-mail: j.awad@udk-berlin.de




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