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Pêdra Costa: de_colon_isation, 04.02.2019

As part of the Lecture series "Violence of the Arts" of the DFG Research Training Group “Knowledge in the Arts” in cooperation with Studium Generale, UdK Berlin


Im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung „Gewalt in den Künsten" des DFG-Graduiertenkollegs „Das Wissen der Künste“ in Kooperation mit dem Studium Generale der UdK Berlin


Foto: Gestaltung: Bierler Brell


Monday, 04.02.2019 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Montag, 04.02.2019, 18–20 Uhr
Bitte pünktlich kommen, nach Beginn der Performance werden die Türen geschlossen bleiben.
Please be on time, there is no admission during the performance. 

Universität der Künste Berlin
Medienhaus (Aula) 
Grunewaldstr. 2–5
10823 Berlin

de_colon_isation part IV: a performative experience is a live performance to create a space of intimacy and political claim through the body, live images by a dildo camera and "The Southern Butthole Manifesto". It uses post-porn as a strategy of pleasure, aesthetics and politics. Failure and precariousness are words impregnated in her biography and artwork. Playing the artist as an exhibitionist, it shows performance art as a place to interact with the presence of the audience and disturb their gaze, through feelings, desire and empathy. The action merges the social categories of public and private, privileges and subalternity, sameness and alterity.


Pêdra Costa works with her body, presenting performance art, making videos and writing, using complex and fragmented epistemologies from queer communities, being contaminated by knowledge almost completely destroyed by the colonial project and remembering radical caring against the lack of opportunities of living. S/he engages the political aesthetics of post-porn and anti-colonial strategies. S/he faces failure every day, transforming failure into creative force, in connection with mixed and forgotten ancestralities. Exhibitions include Multitud Marica: Activaciones de archivos sexo-disidentes en América Latina, Santiago de Chile 2017 (Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende); QUEER ENCOUNTERS_VIENNA TRANS LA, Los Angeles 2017 (CalArts School of Art); WELT KOMPAKT?, Vienna 2017 (frei_raum Q21, MuseumsQuartier); Millionaires Can Be Trans // You Are So Brave, Berlin 2015 (Schwules Museum); Oral Museum of the Revolution, Barcelona 2013 (MACBA); Caos e Efeito, São Paulo 2011 (Itaú Cultural).



Ringvorlesung „Gewalt in den Künsten"/ Lecture series "Violence in the Arts"

Konzept: Elsa Guily, Grit Köppen, Sebastian Köthe
Organisation: Juana Awad, Renate Wöhrer, Team Studium Generale
Support: Johanna Heyne, Sarah Hampel, Alicja Schindler


Das vollständige Programm finden Sie hier.
You can find the programme here.



If you have any questions please contact / Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich gern an:
Juana Awad
Graduiertenkolleg „Das Wissen der Künste”, UdK Berlin
Einsteinufer 43–53, Raum 214, 10587 Berlin
E-mail: j.awad@udk-berlin.de




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