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SAVE THE DATE: "Violence in the Arts” / Gewalt in den Künsten 29.10.2018 – 04.02.2019

Lecture series of the DFG Research Training Group “Knowledge in the Arts” in cooperation with Studium Generale, UdK Berlin

Ringvorlesung des DFG-Graduiertenkollegs „Das Wissen der Künste“ in Kooperation mit dem Studium Generale der UdK Berlin


Foto: Gestaltung: Bierler Brell


Mondays from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. from 29th October 2018 to 4th February 2019 
Montage 18-20 Uhr vom 29. Oktober 2018 bis 4. Februar 2019

Universität der Künste Berlin
Medienhaus (Aula) 
Grunewaldstr. 2–5
10823 Berlin 

The 2018/2019 lecture series Violence in the Arts analyses how forms of violence from modernity persist in and through the arts into the present day. Presented by the DFG Research Training Group “Knowledge in the Arts”  the series critically retraces reconfigurations of intertwined forms of racist and sexualized violences. Which genealogies condition contemporary modes of violence, and how do the arts uncover traditions of subjugation, objectification, and aggression? What knowledge, experience, and attitudes about forms of violence are conveyed in the histories of theater, performance art, film, photography, music, or architecture? How have spectacles of violence been aesthetically staged, and how do they continue to be staged, and with what artistic strategies has effective criticism of existing violence been formulated? The series examines arts as agents in, and as repositories of knowledge about relations of violence. Each lecture takes a critical look at both the arts, and the discourses produced in and through them for the (re)production of violent political-economic-social orders.


Zeynep Sayın (Visual Studies, Leipzig): Wer hat Recht auf das Bild?
(In German / Vortrag und Diskussion in deutscher Sprache)

Zeynep Sayın, geb. 1961 in Istanbul, österreichisch-türkische Literaturwissenschaftlerin und Bildwissenschaftlerin. Seitdem sie wegen Beleidigung des türkischen Staatspräsidenten von der Bilgi-Universität (Istanbul) gekündigt wurde, wo sie als Professorin tätig war, hat sie Lehraufträge an verschiedenen deutschen und österreichischen Kunstuniversitäten inne. Auf Türkisch publizierte sie zahlreiche Bücher, die derzeit in diverse Weltsprachen übersetzt werden.

Sivan Ben-Yishai (Playwrighting and Directing, Berlin/Tel Aviv): Let the Blood Come out to Show Them 
(Scenic lecture in German, discussion in English / Lesung in deutscher Sprache, Diskussion in englischer Sprache)

Sivan Ben-Yishai wuchs in Jerusalem auf und studierte szenisches Schreiben und Theaterregie in Tel-Aviv. Seit 2012 lebt sie in Berlin, wird vom Suhrkamp Verlag vertreten und von Maren Kames ins Deutsche übersetzt. 2015 inszenierte sie zwei eigene Stücke: 3RDLND if you know what I mean and I think you do im Rahmen des Future Forums der Stiftung Deutsch-Israelisches Zukunftsforum und I know I’m ugly but I glitter in the dark im Radialsystem V Berlin. Der erste Teil ihrer Tetralogie Let the Blood Come out to Show Them entstand im Zuge des AutorInnenprogramms In Zukunft III beim Westfälischen Landestheater sowie beim Neuen Institut für Dramatisches Schreiben, zweiter und dritter Teil als Auftragsarbeiten am Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin und im Herbst 2018 wird, ebenfalls am Gorki, der vierte Teil als szenische Lesung beim Festival Krieg im Frieden erstmals der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt.

Black Athena Collective (Heba Y. Amin and Dawit L. Petros, Visual Arts, Berlin/Chicago): Regimes of Passage 
(In English / Vortrag und Diskussion auf englischer Sprache)

Black Athena Collective is a research and artistic laboratory for experimentation that engages political discourse and practices of spatial construction connected to the Red Sea region from Eritrea to Egypt. It looks specifically at the architectures of migrancy and the various frameworks of space and territorial demarcations in relation to errant bodies. The collective draws from challenges posed by Martin Bernal’s thesis which questions methodological assumptions embedded within Western historiography. Through multi-­disciplinary perspectives including geography, sociology and history Black Athena Collective raises the question of migration as a crucial principle for imaging new conventions of territory. Central to their investigations are the reconstitution of political spaces and the various architectures and forms of reterritorialization. Black Athena Collective was founded in 2015 by artists Heba Y. Amin (EGY) and Dawit L. Petros (ER/CA).

This lecture has been moved from 14th Jan. 2019 to 3rd Dec. 2018!

Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński (Cultural Theory and International Relations, Vienna): Movements between “Black Annotation” and “Black Reduction” – Artistic Strategies of Working with Archival Material
(In English and German / Vortrag in englischer Sprache, Diskussion auf englischer und deutscher Sprache)

Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński is a Vienna-based artist and author. Her work has an interdisciplinary approach, bringing together Postcolonial and Black Feminist Theorie with Visual Practice. Within the framework of a PhD-in-Practice at the Academy of the Arts Vienna, Kazeem-Kamiński currently researches the performativity of black-being in relation to Austrian coloniality. Her central concerns are memory and the black radical imagination, of the past, present and future.

Françoise Vergès (Political Science, Paris): Decolonial Methodologies. An Account of Practices and Their Unforeseen Insights
(In English / Vortrag und Diskussion auf englischer Sprache)

Françoise Vergès is an internationally acclaimed political scientist, currently Chair Global South(s) at the Collège d’études mondiales, Fondation Maison du savoir de l’homme, Paris. She is a feminist and activist author in the global antiracist struggle, who writes about memories of slavery, decolonial methodology, feminism, race and capitalism. She is the author of numerous books, including Monsters and Revolutionaries. Colonial family romance and Métissages (Duke University Press, 1999). She is the curator of “L’Atelier,” a regular collective workshop among artists and scholars, and other events.

Shawn Michelle Smith (Visual and Critical Studies, Chicago): Photographic Reenactments: Carrie Mae Weems’s Constructing History
(In English / Vortrag und Diskussion auf englischer Sprache)

Shawn Michelle Smith is Professor of Visual and Critical Studies at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She has published six books on the history and theory of photography in the United States and gender and race in visual culture, including most recently Photography and the Optical Unconscious (Duke University Press, 2017), co-edited with Sharon Sliwinski, and At the Edge of Sight: Photography and the Unseen (Duke University Press, 2013), which won the 2014 Lawrence W. Levine Award for best book in American cultural history from the Organization of American Historians. She currently serves on the editorial advisory boards of Journal of Photography and Culture and Journal of Visual Culture. This lecture is drawn from her forthcoming book, Photographic Returns: Racial Justice and the Time of Photography.

Pêdra Costa (Performance Art and Visual Urban Anthropology, Rio de Janeiro/Berlin/Vienna): de_colon_isation
(In English / Lecture Performance und Diskussion auf englischer Sprache)


Pêdra Costa works with hers body, presenting performance art, making videos and writing. S/he uses complex and fragmented epistemologies from queer communities that are contaminated by a knowledge almost completely destroyed by the colonial project. Radical caring becomes thus a central strategy against the lack of living opportunities. S/he engages political aesthetics of post-porn and anti-colonial strategies and faces failure every day, transforming it into creative force in connection with mixed and forgotten ancestralities. Exhibitions include Multitud Marica: Activaciones de archivos sexo-disidentes en América Latina, Santiago de Chile 2017 (Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende); QUEER ENCOUNTERS_VIENNA TRANS LA, Los Angeles 2017 (CalArts School of Art); WELT KOMPAKT?, Vienna 2017 (frei_raum Q21, MuseumsQuartier); Millionaires Can Be Trans // You Are So Brave, Berlin 2015 (Schwules Museum); Oral Museum of the Revolution, Barcelona 2013 (MACBA); Caos e Efeito, São Paulo 2011 (Itaú Cultural).



Concept: Elsa Guily, Grit Köppen, Sebastian Köthe
Organisation: Juana Awad, Renate Wöhrer, Team Studium Generale
Support: Johanna Heyne, Alicja Schindler

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For more information visit www.udk-berlin.de/graduiertenkolleg.

If you have any questions please contact:

Juana Awad
Graduiertenkolleg "Das Wissen der Künste”, UdK Berlin
Einsteinufer 43-53, Raum 214, 10587 Berlin
E-mail: j.awad@udk-berlin.de




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