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Foto: Kathrin Scheidt, Andreas Pysiewicz

NEWS: Sound Studies and Sonic Arts - UdK Berlin

Dear Friends of Sound Studies and Sonic Arts,


on the occasion of the start of the new summer semester, which began on April 18th, we would like to take the opportunity to point out some recent achievements of our students and graduates. Natalia Bustamante, Katharina Bévand, François-Xavier Loucheur, Robert Stokowy und Marco Montiel-Soto started off the year with great success. We are also very happy to report on the good turn out of the first application round of the new Master’s program Sound Studies and Sonic Arts at the Berlin Career College for continuing education of the Berlin University of the Arts. 66 promising candidates are currently in the application process. We are greatly exited for this new beginning.


Also on that note, save the date for our upcoming events in May!


Recent acknowledgements and awards

bonn hoeren – sonotopia 2017
The Sound Studies students Natalia Bustamante (award of distinction), Katharina Bévand (honorary mention) and François-Xavier Loucheur (honorary mention) gained great attention in this years "bonn hoeren – sonotopia 2017" student competition.


Organised Sound journal
Our recent graduate Robert Stokowy was published in the international peer-reviewed "Organised Sound" journal with his essay "Bill Fontana’s Distant Trains: A documentation of an acoustic relocation".


Radio programm of the documenta 14
Marco Montiel-Soto's work "The Origin of Everything: Vom tropischen Tieflande zum ewigen Schnee (The Origin of Everything: From tropical Lowlands to eternal Snow)" is being aired between April 8 and September 17, 2017 on international radio stations and is available on demand. 


10.5.2017 | EM4 (8) | Pauline Oliveros

The composer and musician Pauline Oliveros, who passed away in November 2016, was known as a pioneer of experimental and electronic music. The concert of the University of the Arts, as part of the event series EM4, will perform electronic compositions from the 1960s. mehr


Foto: EM4


17.05.2017 | Thessia Machado: Installation, Talk, Performances

The sound/visual artist Thessia Machado presents her sound installation and performance TELIX at SomoS Gallery, Berlin. TELIX is a composition for wall mounted, photo sensitive sound modules. Conducted by light patterns from a graphic score traveling on a mechanical apparatus. mehr


Foto: Kathrin Scheidt


Foto: Kai Bienert


Best regards,
Prof. Volker Straebel

Universität der Künste Berlin
Master's Program Sound Studies and Sonic Arts, Director
Masterstudiengang Sound Studies, Studiengangsleiter udk-berlin.de/sounds


Herausgeber: Universität der Künste Berlin, Der Präsident
Verantwortlich: Universität der Künste Berlin
Texte/ Redaktion: Kathrin Scheidt
Fotos: Andreas Pysiewicz, Kathrin Scheidt, Kai Bienert
UdK Berlin Career College
Masterstudiengang Sound Studies and Sonic Arts
Postfach 12 05 44 | 10595 Berlin



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