Foto: SoundsAbout
Dear friends of SoundS,
Summer is in full swing and we are eager to add to the fun - from 18 - 22 August 2021, SoundsAbout will open its doors for the group exhbition On/In/Through featuring works by Diana Fonseca, MAF & Nommo, Hayden Dean Prosser, and Victor Yrigoyenis. We hope you can join us!
18-22 August 2021 | weekdays 6-10 pm | weekend 12-10 pm
Vernissage 18 August 2021 | 6-10 pm
A Day in Night’s Reality ~ A Night in Day’s Reality | Hayden Dean Prosser
A Made Up Sound | MAF and Nommo
Oscillating Solitudes | Diana Fonseca
Tuesday | Victor Yrigoyen
More info on our website about.sounds.berlin
Please don't forget to bring a mask and follow our safety-distance rules. More info about COVID-19 hygiene rules on our website and the exhibition site.