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Foto: Kathrin Scheidt

Dear friends of SoundS,


SoundS and our first graduates of 2023 would like to cordially invite you to the Master Exhibition from 12-14 January 2023 at Errant Sound and Zukunft am Ostkreuz. The public opening takes place on 12 January, 4-8 PM at Errant Sound. 


While we are very excited to see our students graduate and move on to new adventures, we are also looking forward to new faces! Our online application period for the winter semester 2023 is starting soon - 1 February to 1 March, 2023


Join us to celebrate and experience the world of sound studies and sonic arts!



SoundS Master Exhibition Jan 23



12 January 2023 | 4-8 PM | Errant Sound



12-14 January 2023 | 4-8 PM | Errant Sound
12-14 January 2023 | 6-10 PM | Zukunft am Ostkreuz



14 January | 8PM | Zukunft am Ostkreuz



Errant Sound 
Rungestr. 20, 10179 Berlin

Zukunft am Ostkreuz
Laskerstraße 5, 10245 Berlin


Foto: Kathrin Scheidt


Application Period February 2023

Get ready for the application period for the Masters program Sound Studies and Sonic Arts, which takes place from 1 February to 1 March 2023! To help you prepare we have also made an application checklist!




Foto: Benjamin Pritzkuleit


Interview with Prof. Georg Klein 'Der öffentliche Raum: ein Battlefield'

Out now: UdK Journal 19 'EQUILIBRUM' 

Edited by UdK President Prof. Dr. Norbert Palz
Concept by Claudia Assmann + Marina Dafova

Journal online version




Best regards,
Prof. Georg F. Klein

Universität der Künste Berlin
Sound Studies and Sonic Arts (MA)
Interim Program Director


Foto: Steffi Weismann


Herausgeber: Universität der Künste Berlin, Der Präsident
Verantwortlich: Universität der Künste Berlin
Texte/ Redaktion: Kathrin Scheidt
UdK Berlin Career College
Masterstudiengang Sound Studies and Sonic Arts
Postfach 12 05 44 | 10595 Berlin



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