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Foto: Kathrin Scheidt, Andreas Pysiewicz

Introducing the new Master’s program Sound Studies and Sonic Arts

Dear Friends of Sound Studies,


we are pleased to introduce our new Master’s program Sound Studies and Sonic Arts.



Starting in October 2017, the new program will replace the Master of Arts Program Sound Studies at the Berlin Career College for continuing education of the Berlin University of the Arts. This reform was initiated by the head of department, Prof. Volker Straebel: “I am delighted to offer our new program to an even more diverse group of international individuals and hope that this reform will enable students from different backgrounds to take up Sound Studies and Sonic Arts at the Berlin Career College of the Berlin University of the Arts. We pursue a truly interdisciplinary approach to the world of sound where theoretical study and creative work interrelate. Berlin offers a vibrant and inspiring environment for Sound Artists, Designers and Scholars.”


The formerly two-year Master’s program is succeeded by a three-year, low-residency, part-time postgraduate program that is aimed at professionals working in the field of sound who are wanting to pursue a second degree with a focus on audio related theory and practice in a stimulating, interdisciplinary environment. The all English Sound Studies and Sonic Arts program will consist of alternating study modules: intensive summer modules requiring attendance in Berlin and project phases during the winter that may be conducted off-campus.


The Sound Studies and Sonic Arts Master’s program serves to deepen theoretical and practical skills in audio related theory and practice, particularly in cultural studies, musicology, aesthetics, sound art, performance, architecture, design, and media production. After a first semester of basic training, students may choose their own study emphasis making use of the extensive curriculum and other courses offered by the Berlin University of the Arts and other Berlin Universities. The program will conclude with a theoretical, scientific and/or practical Master project in the field of auditive culture and art.


International artist and scholars teach and lecture at the department of Sound Studies and Sonic Arts. Internationally renowned sound artist Prof. Hans Peter Kuhn and prominent scholars Prof. Dr. Sabine Sanio and Prof. Volker Straebel are among the core faculty. Recent speakers have been David Behrman, Bill Fontana, Brandon LaBelle, Christina Kubisch, Jonathan Sterne, Barry Truax, and Salomé Voegelin. Festivals und Institutions such as Ars Electronica, American Academy Berlin, Akademie der Künste Berlin, Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart Berlin, Electroacoustic Music Studies Network, and the Technical University Berlin’s Audio Communication Group and Electronic Music Studio are cooperation partners of the Master’s program and offer a wide rage of possibilities for artistic and academic exchange. 


Applications for the new Sound Studies and Sonic Arts Master’s program will will be accepted between February 1st and 14th, 2017. All applicants for the very first class, class of 2020, will receive a discount on the tuition of the entire program. 


More information at www.udk-berlin.de/sounds

If you have any questions please contact us at ask@sounds.berlin


Foto: Kai Bienert


Best regards,
Prof. Volker Straebel

Universität der Künste Berlin
Master's Program Sound Studies and Sonic Arts, Director
Masterstudiengang Sound Studies, Studiengangsleiter udk-berlin.de/sounds


Herausgeber: Universität der Künste Berlin, Der Präsident
Verantwortlich: Universität der Künste Berlin
Texte/ Redaktion: Kathrin Scheidt
Fotos: Andreas Pysiewicz, Kathrin Scheidt, Kai Bienert
UdK Berlin Career College
Masterstudiengang Sound Studies and Sonic Arts
Postfach 12 05 44 | 10595 Berlin



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