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Foto: SoundS

Dear friends of SoundS,


we are delighted to offer you a possibility to attend this semester's online Lecture Series AUS DER REIHE, curated by Prof. Daisuke Ishida. The artists talks explore the diverse field of sound arts practice and introduce a range of international interdisciplinary sound practitioners including artists, curators, critics, and researchers.


Primarily for the current MA Sound Studies and Sonic Arts students at the UdK, these talks are also open to the general public and students from all other institutions and departments free of charge.


Foto: katrinem


22 April 2021 | katrinem

The examination of sound and space has long been an integral part of katrinem’s artistic work. Comprehensive training in classical music (violin/viola) with constant performance practice (orchestra, ensemble) formed the broad early foundation that led to a specialization in spatial performances and new performance practices...


Foto: Felicity Mangan


29 April 2021 | Felicity Mangan

Australian sound artist and composer Felicity Mangan incorporates her found native Australian wildlife archive and other field recordings – exploring the timbre of animal voices and field recordings to create minimal quasi-bioacoustic environments...


Foto: Florian Voggeneder


20 May 2021 | Cedrik Fermont

Cedrik Fermont has been involved since the late 1980s in the electronic and experimental music network, including audio works for video, theatre and choreography, essays and lectures. He runs Syrphe, a platform (label, radio show, concert promoter, etc.) mostly but not exclusively dedicated to electronic and experimental music from Asia and Africa...


Foto: Vinyl Terror and Horror


10 June 2021 | Vinyl Terror and Horror

Vinyl Terror and Horror is a collaboration between Camilla Sørensen and Greta Christensen focused on the relationship between objects and sound. It is presented in different situations as installation, sculpture, composition work or as live concerts...


Foto: Nao Tokui


24 June 2021 | Nao Tokui

Nao Tokui is an artist, researcher, founder and Associate Professor at Keio University. He has been exploring the potential expansion of human creativity through the use of AI...


Foto: Annie Goh


1 July 2021 | Annie Goh

Annie Goh is an artist and researcher working primarily with sound, space, electronic media and generative processes within their social and cultural contexts. She completed her PhD at Goldsmiths, University of London in 2019 on archaeoacoustics and sonic knowledge production, where she was also a Stuart Hall Foundation PhD Fellow...


Foto: Guddini Cortina


15 July 2021 | Carsten Seiffarth

Carsten Seiffarth is a curator, artistic director and producer for sound art and contemporary music. He has been the curator + artistic director of Singuhr – sound gallery, now Singuhr – projects since 1996...


To attend this online public lecture series, it is required to register via email.
Please send an email to ausderreihe@udk-berlin.de with the following details.

1. Full name and a screen name if you wish.
2. Email address
3. Institution and study subject, if applicable
Note: please login to the lecture room with your registered full name or screen name.
You will then receive further instructions.


Best regards,
Jan Thoben

Universität der Künste Berlin
Sound Studies and Sonic Arts (MA) | Interim Program Director


Foto: Jan Thoben


Herausgeber: Universität der Künste Berlin, Der Präsident
Verantwortlich: Universität der Künste Berlin
Texte/ Redaktion: Kathrin Scheidt, Daisuke Ishida
UdK Berlin Career College
Masterstudiengang Sound Studies and Sonic Arts
Postfach 12 05 44 | 10595 Berlin



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