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Foto: Kathrin Scheidt

Dear friends of SoundS,


In the winter semester 2021/22, Sound Studies and Sonic Arts presents an online public lecture series exploring sound in artistic research. The genome of our master program implies an understanding that theory and practice mutually inform each other and represent two sides of the same coin. We’d like to invite you to join these lectures and explore the different perspectives on the topic as an encouragement to reflect on your own positioning.


Artistic research, aesthetic research, and practice-based research have gained a lot of momentum at art schools and universities in the past few decades. Focusing on alternatives to established methodologies and paradigms based on evidence, historical and political analysis, musicology, critical thinking, and cultural studies, this lecture series addresses how artistic research has been established in sound studies and in the sonic arts.


Primarily for the current MA Sound Studies and Sonic Arts students at the UdK, these talks are also open to the general public and students from all other institutions and departments.


Wedensdays | 18:00 – 20:00 p.m. (UTC+02:00) | online | Links to each Webex lecture can be found on our website


Foto: SoundS


3 Nov 2021 | Jacob Eriksen + Sabine Sanio

Introduction to Sound in Artistic Research


Foto: SoundS


10 Nov 2021 | Salomé Voegelin

Sonic Possible and Impossible Bodies


Foto: SoundS


17 Nov 2021 | Chris Salter

Alien Agencies – Capturing Resonance from the Insider Perspective


Foto: SoundS


24 Nov 2021 | Dieter Mersch

Sounds of Silence. On compositional research


Foto: SoundS


1 Dec 2021 | Alfred Darlington

Public Lecture Series ...


Foto: SoundS


8 Dec 2021 | Ari Robey-Lawrence

Public Lecture Series ...


Foto: SoundS


15 Dec 2021 | Alex Arteaga

Aesthetic Aural Research


Foto: SoundS


12 Jan 2022 | Ania Mauruschat

The Symphony of Sirens by Avraamov/Ammer/Einheit as Artistic Research on the Political Dimension of Noise


Foto: SoundS


19 Jan 2022 | Budhaditya Chattopadhyay

Connecting Resonances: A Decolonial Intervention into Artistic Research in/through Sound and Listening


Foto: SoundS


26 Jan 2022 | Jenny Gräf Sheppard

Sonic Orientations Ambisonics Research


Foto: SoundS


2 Feb 2022 | Åsa Stjerna

Sonic Documentarism?- An Ecosophical Perspective


Best regards,
Jan Thoben

Universität der Künste Berlin
Sound Studies and Sonic Arts (MA) | Interim Program Director


Foto: Jan Thoben


Herausgeber: Universität der Künste Berlin, Der Präsident
Verantwortlich: Universität der Künste Berlin
Texte/ Redaktion: Lottie Sebes, Kathrin Scheidt
UdK Berlin Career College
Masterstudiengang Sound Studies and Sonic Arts
Postfach 12 05 44 | 10595 Berlin



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