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Foto: Kathrin Scheidt


Dear friends of SoundS,


As the winter break has started, we would like to thank you all for the artistic and academic experiences we shared 2021 and send you our best wishes for a harmonious holiday season and a peaceful, healthy new year.


We are looking forward to an exciting year 2022 with returning and new students, faculty and friends! 


Foto: Jan Thoben


Best regards,
Jan Thoben

Universität der Künste Berlin
Sound Studies and Sonic Arts (MA) | Interim Program Director


13-16 January 2022 | SoundS Master Exhibition

The second class of the Sound Studies and Sonic Arts Masters program will exhibit their master's theses on January 13-16, 2022.

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1 February - 1 March 2022 | Application Period 2022

Our application period will open soon. Get your documents ready!

read more

Herausgeber: Universität der Künste Berlin, Der Präsident
Verantwortlich: Universität der Künste Berlin
Texte/ Redaktion: Volker Straebel
Fotos: Kathrin Scheidt, Kai Bienert
UdK Berlin Career College
Masterstudiengang Sound Studies and Sonic Arts
Postfach 12 05 44 | 10595 Berlin



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