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Foto: SoundsAbout

Dear friends of SoundS,


SoundsAbout presents Afterimage - sound art in the spectre of now

5-29 Nov 2021 |  Vernissage event every Friday at 6pm


SoundsAbout returns to exhibitions live and in person! Afterimage - sound art in the spectre of now contemplates the reappearance of a present presence. In the sudden actuality of this moment, we explore the perspectives and relations provided by regained temporalities, intimate relations and shared gazes. At this time a peculiar nostalgia emerges, a desire for something outside of our comprehension, something we cannot grasp or perhaps never existed. Presence is tempered in equal parts hindsight and anticipation. With this series of four sounding installations, we seek to speak in the tension of the present tense, to invest in the possibility of being re-bound to each other, to objects, materials, sonorities, moments, ideas, and spaces. How will this time be remembered, and how long will it last? We already miss the now.


Join us for another November filled with wonderfully creative and inspiring works by our students!


Foto: Kayla Elrod


Kayla Elrod “In the likeness of”

Friday 5 Nov | Vernissage 6pm
Saturday + Sunday 6+7 Nov | 2-6pm


Kayla Elrod investigates the objecthood of a speaker through a series of performative exercises and intense observations. The process has been recorded and edited, resulting in a short film.


Foto: Arni Valur Kristinsson


Arni Valur Kristinsson “LIT”

Friday 12 Nov | Vernissage 6pm
Sat, Sun, Mon 13-16 Nov | 4-8pm


Inspired by Édouard Riou’s “Lost-In-Translation” illustrations of Iceland LIT presents a vision of nature remembered / imagined post-nature.


Foto: Samuel Perea-Díaz


Samuel Perea-Díaz “Untitled (topoanalysis)”

Friday 19 Nov | Vernissage 6pm
Sat, Sun, Mon 20-22 Nov | 2-7pm


The exhibition “Untitled” (topoanalyis) is an acousmatic setting created by surfaces that map personal sonic paths and memories.


Foto: “Everything was until it is no more”


Davide Luciani, Nico Espinoza, Antonino Modica and Hayden Dean Prosser “Everything was until it is no more”

Friday 26 Nov | Vernissage 6pm
Sat, Sun, Mon 27-29 Nov | 2-7pm


“Everything was until it is no more” speculates upon the gaze as an agency of continuous shifts between phenomenology and communal knowledge.


SoundsAbout is a long-term collaboration of the Master’s program Sound Studies and Sonic Arts at the University Berlin with the gallery Zwitschermaschine. For three months every year, we set up a project space to present and discuss, question and celebrate the work and ideas of our students and their guests. 


Potsdamer Straße 161
10783 Berlin





Best regards,
Jan Thoben

Universität der Künste Berlin
Sound Studies and Sonic Arts (MA) | Interim Program Director


Foto: Jan Thoben


Herausgeber: Universität der Künste Berlin, Der Präsident
Verantwortlich: Universität der Künste Berlin
Texte/ Redaktion: Lottie Sebes, Kathrin Scheidt
UdK Berlin Career College
Masterstudiengang Sound Studies and Sonic Arts
Postfach 12 05 44 | 10595 Berlin



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