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Foto: Kathrin Scheidt

Dear friends of SoundS


We are happy to announce our first ever round of Master students will be defending their theses publicly on 29 + 30 October 2020 at the Georg-Neumann Hall of the UdK Berlin. Eight graduates will speak about their works and offer insights into the most diverse areas of sound, ranging from theoretical works to artistic projects and sound installations.


"I am very pleased that after three years of study, the first class of the postgraduate program Sound Studies and Sonic Arts at the UdK Berlin can now take their master's exams. The corona pandemic has posed particular challenges to the students, and unfortunately most of the artistic theses projects could not be presented to a wider public this summer. This makes it all the more important that we are now able to hold the final oral exams with an audience!" says Prof. Volker Straebel.


Join us live at the Georg-Neumann-Saal or via livestream from your couch!


More information including a full schedule can be found here.


SoundS Master Defense 2020

29.10.2020 | 12:00-17:00
Nicolas Daleman, Kassiani Goulakou, Konstantin Kazhev, Izabel Carnio Teles de Menezes

30.10.2020 | 12:00-17:00
Nina Guo, David Rimsky-Korsakow, Auguste Vickunaite, Alejandro Mosso


Georg-Neumann-Saal der Universität der Künste Berlin
Einsteinufer 43 (Jazz building)

or online



We are working with a COVID-hygiene concept for the public defense. If you would like to attend, please check here for updates about the current situation before attending. If not stated differently general Covid-19 hygiene rules apply - please wear a mouth-nose-covering. Thank you.


Foto: Kai Bienert


Prof. Volker Straebel

Universität der Künste Berlin
Sound Studies and Sonic Arts (MA) | Director


Herausgeber: Universität der Künste Berlin, Der Präsident
Verantwortlich: Universität der Künste Berlin
Mitarbeit: Kathrin Scheidt
Texte/ Redaktion: Kathrin Scheidt
Fotos: Kathrin Scheidt, Kai Bienert
UdK Berlin Career College
Masterstudiengang Sound Studies and Sonic Arts
Postfach 12 05 44 | 10595 Berlin



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