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"Knowledge in the Arts" in Open Access

Following the adoption of the Open Access Policy in December 2019, the first major Open Access project is now to follow.


The DFG Research Training Group 1759 "Knowledge in the Arts" makes the contributions of its publication series, published by Fink Verlag, available in open access. The contributions of the already published volume "Wessen Wissen? Materialität und Situiertheit in den Künsten" (edited by Kathrin Busch, Christina Dörfling, Kathrin Peters and Ildikó Szántó) are available online on the document server of the UdK library and can be used according to the license given. The volumes "Periphere Visionen" and "Das Wissen der Arbeit und das Wissen der Künste" will follow soon. Further volumes presenting the research results of the DFG Research Training Group are in preparation. 


The contributions will be indexed by the library and will be available in search engines for electronic content, e.g. Base, and of course in the Knowledge Portal of the Arts.


The University Library is pleased about the successful debut and thanks the DFG Research Training Group for the excellent cooperation and the willingness to establish Open Access at the UdK.


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