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Foto: Efrain John Gonzalez

Dear friends of SoundS,


We cordially invite you to the first event of our new lecture series sic! sound in context tonight at the UdK Sound Studies and Sonic Arts.


8 Nov 2022 | 20:00
Judy Dunaway

Latex Balloons as Sound Conduits


moderated by Samuel Perea Díaz


UdK Sound Studies and Sonic Arts
Lietzenburger Str. 45 | 10789 Berlin
Room 314 (third floor)



Judy Dunaway is known internationally for her numerous works for latex balloons as sound producers, including sculptural sonic performances, sound installations, interactive pieces and acousmatic works. She will give a performance and talk at UdK in tandem with her sound installation running Nov. 4-13 at Errant Sound gallery.  




sic! sound in context

Lecture series with international guests on sound art, electronic composition and sound-related media art with talks, presentations and lecture-performances.


A cooperation of

Sound Studies and Sonic Arts (MA) | UdK Berlin
UdK Berlin UNI.K | Studio für Elektroakustische Komposition, Klangkunst und Klangforschung
UdK Berlin IZM | Institut für zeitbasierte Medien / Generative Art | Society For Nontrivial Pursuits
TU Studio | Fachgebiet Audiokommunikation | Technische Universität Berlin



Foto: Angus McIntyre 2017


Judy Dunaway at Errant Sound

Judy Dunaway: Chamber Ensemble (for Balloons)
4-6 + 11-13 Nov 2022 


Foto: Kathrin Scheidt


3 Dec 2022 | SoundS | Online Info Sessions

In preparation for our next application round, 1 February - 1 March 2023, we invite you to our Online Info Sessions 2022 where you can meet our faculty, hear about what the program has to offer and find answers to your questions about our Master’s program.


Best regards,
Prof. Georg F. Klein

Universität der Künste Berlin
Sound Studies and Sonic Arts (MA)
Interim Program Director


Foto: Steffi Weismann


Herausgeber: Universität der Künste Berlin, Der Präsident
Verantwortlich: Universität der Künste Berlin
Texte/ Redaktion: Kathrin Scheidt, Georg Klein
UdK Berlin Career College
Masterstudiengang Sound Studies and Sonic Arts
Postfach 12 05 44 | 10595 Berlin



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