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Design of the Rundgang of the UdK Berlin in 2019

source: Johanna Rummel

About the Design: Paradigm Shift

One point of view with many different meanings. Any given moment can reveal several concrete opinions – or only one or even none at all. The paradigm should be viewed again and again, since it constantly changes. It changes with time and space and, at the same time, along an array of directions and positions that have never before been discovered. At UdK Berlin’s Rundgang, student works inspire new points of view among the attendees. These guests become part of the experiment by changing their perspectives—both physically and mentally. They approach various locations simultaneously and inevitably bump into each other. The Rundgang: an experiment in paradigms.

The Design was developed by Johanna Rummel from the design class for advertising and economy of Prof. Uwe Vock.

Special thanks goes to

Attila Hartwig (visuals development),
Gosia Warrink (creative direction),
Sonja Knecht (text development)
and Claudia Malecka (camera),
Timothy McKeon (translation),

who were a great support in the implementation of the project.