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Value Alchemy

As part of Collision Week from 9 to 12 January 2024, the pilot project Value Alchemy invited people to explore individual and collective values artistically. Students and employees of UdK Berlin reflected on and explored their values, which they then allowed to be discussed collectively in the context of UdK Berlin in a creative process.

What are the elements of the UdK Berlin?

What transformations is the UdK Berlin facing - and what transformations is it looking back on?

Are there specific UdK Berlin forces and substances, reactions, and connections that you, as UdK'ers, feel should be utilized more or less strongly in the future? Your participation and input are crucial in shaping the future of our institution.

These questions and many more determine the alchemy of the UdK Berlin, and they all have the same core: the values according to which—and the atmosphere in which—we research and work.