For more detailed information, please change to the German version of this website.


Campus management portal my.udK

You can download a variety of general certificates from the campus management portal my.udk. Usually in German and English.

List of certificates:

  • Certificate of study
  • BAföG-certificate
  • Certificate of study progress
  • Certificate of fees
  • Transcript of Records
  • registered examinations

Study prognosis

Certificate of the expected end of studies

If you need a study prognosis (e.g. for the State Office for Immigration), the person responsible for you at the IPA can issue it for an administrative fee of 10.25 EUR (Verwaltungsgebührenordnung (VGebO)).

Confirmations (individual)

Depending on the possibility, other individual certificates can also be issued. Please contact the person responsible for you at the IPA.

An administrative fee of 10.25 EUR per document is charged for issuing the desired certificate (Verwaltungsgebührenordnung (VGebO)).
The fees must be paid in advance by bank transfer.

Transcript of Records

Depending on the study programme, the study and examination achievements are entered and booked directly in the campus management portal my.udk or you will receive module sheets at the beginning of your studies in which you enter the courses and the lecturers sign them off and add examination achievements if necessary.
If these module sheets are complete, they can be submitted at any time to your responsible administrator in the IPA. The IPA records the complete course and examination achievements. Always make sure to make the entries directly after the end of the course.

As soon as study and examination achievements have been entered in the campus management portal my.udk, you can download a transcript of records. This is particularly important when applying for stays abroad, but also for scholarships or BAföG. In addition, you can also use the transcript of records to view the study and examination achievements that you have already passed and registered.

Payment of fees according to the administrative fee schedule (Verwaltungsgebührenordnung (VGebO))

Payment via bank transfer

Cash Office of the UdK Berlin
Berliner Volksbank

IBAN       DE 72 1009 0000 8841 0150 46
reason for paymentMatriculation number, Surname, study programme, confirmation
example371234, Smith, Art in Context, confirmation

IMPORTANT: Do not change the order of the reason for payment.

Berliner Volksbank eG
Budapester Straße 35
10787 Berlin

For foreign bank transfers: Please ensure that you pay all applicable transfer fees (OUR - sender pays costs) when making the transfer.