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30-31 August 2021 | SoundS Master Defense

source: Kathrin Scheidt

The second class of the Sound Studies and Sonic Arts Masters program, will publicly defend their master's theses on August 30-31, 2021 at the Georg-Neumann-Saal, online and live.


UdK Berlin
Einsteinufer 43
10587 Berlin-Charlottenburg


If you would like to attend in person, please be aware that all visitors must wear FFP2 masks and present a valid negative test of the same day - with the exception of those who have been fully vaccinated and those who have recovered from Covid19 (please bring proof). The numbers of visitors are limited (10sqm of space per person). Fully vaccinated and recovered individuals do not increase the numbers.

It is also possible to watch the defense online via these links:


Monday, Aug 30, 2021
Event number: 188 827 3641
Event password: N8CkMF4hW29 (68256344 from phones)


Tuesday, Aug 31, 2021
Event number: 188 381 9297
Event password: x93kS6kr3YG (99357657 from phones)


If you would like to ask a question during the Q&A sessions, please do so via the chat or raise you digital hand, so we may make you a participator. Dont forget to turn on your audio and video in this case! Questions by the Master Thesis Supervisors will be given priority. Please underastand, that due to the tight schedule, presentations and Q&A may not exceed the time limit, this may mean that not all questions can be answered.

Monday, 30 August


14:00 pm     Sebastian de la Luz Mendoza      (Supervisors: Sabine Sanio | Jacob Erikson online)

15:15 pm    Hugo Esquinca      (Supervisors: Sabine Sanio | Jan Thoben)

16:30 pm    Federica Sosta      (Supervisors: Sabine Sanio | Shanti Suki Osman)

18:00 pm    Shervin Saremi      (Supervisors: Volker Straebel online | Thomas Koch online)



Tuesday, 31 August


11:00 am    Fausto Luis Perez-Mujica      (Supervisors: Hans Peter Kuhn | Julia Schröder)

12:15 pm    Clara Badulescu      (Supervisors: Hans Peter Kuhn | Martyna Poznanska)

13:30 pm    Enrika Myskovskaja      (Supervisors: Hans Peter Kuhn | Daisuke Ishida)

14:45 pm    Break

15:30 pm    Eunice Fong      (Supervisors: Daisuke Ishida | Gary Schultz)

16:45 pm    Catarina Trigo      (Supervisors: Daisuke Ishida | Christiane Hommelsheim + Anna Weissenfels online)

18:00 pm    Jonathan Bruns      (Supervisors: Volker Straebel online | Daisuke Ishida)