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Sound Studies Master thesis February 2019

source: SoundS

Sound Studies Master theses February 2019

Master candidates of the Master's program Sound Studies at the UdK Berlin Career College present their final works between February 9 - 10, 2019.


Graduates of the Master's Program Sound Studies at the Berlin Career College of the Berlin University of the Arts invite you to experience their sound installations and performances on February 8 – 9. The works will be exhibited in the rooms of the UdK BERLIN, Lietzenburgerstraße 45, 3 floor.

The tenth Master group offers some diverse insight into the various aspects of their involvement with sound, ranging from theoretical works to artistic works and sound installations.


Installations / Performances


UdK Berlin
Lietzenburger Str. 45, 10789 Berlin
Saturday, 9.2. / 5-8:30 pm (performance at 7pm) and Sunday, 10.2. / 12-4 pm


LIE 312 Matthias Alraum-Spreng
Fragments - An installative work thematises a physical and cultural-historical remanence. The obsolete medium of home recorded compact cassettes serves as initial material
LIE 318 Jan Christian Proest    
ALBEN - Eine semi-reaktive Videoinstallation, zum Verhältnis von Natur, Kultur und Konzept. Installationskunst / Medienkunst
LIE 314Performance 9.2, 7pmLuciana Da Costa Amorim
(im)permanence - a live performance based on field recordings of construction sites. Playing altered sounds as a means of changing awareness on the sounding reality of the city



Public presentations

Montag, 11.2 / 3-5 pm / LIE 314


3:30 pmMatthias Alraum-SprengTechnik und Kulturgeschichte der Kompaktkassette als konzeptionelle Grundlage installativer Klangkunst 
4:00 pmLuciana Da Costa Amorim(im)permanence: a live performance based on the sound of architectural changes  
4:30 pmJan Christian ProestZwischen Natur, Kultur und Technik: Interferenz und Interaktion. Eine Video-/Klanginstallation