What are the "Kollisionen"?
Interdisciplinary Project Week at the UdK Berlin
Monday to Friday, 6.-10.1.2024, each full day, 2 SWS, 2 ECTS
Requirements for the ungraded Studium Generale certificate (2 ECTS in the interdisciplinary artistic field): regular and active participation.
PROJECT PITCH on Friday, 1.12.2023, 09:30 h:
Meeting-Kennnummer (Zugriffscode): 2787 437 5066; Meeting Passwort: pM8zm43VJgX
The REGISTRATION runs from Monday, 4.12.2023, 9 a.m. via the Moodle platform: links tba
More details will be available for each project.
Yes: the Kollisionen will take place again this winter.
In all likelihood (and according to the pandemic situation), they will take place primarily online (with some analog elements). Nevertheless, we want to try new formats. We want the collisions to be an exciting way to get to know each other across disciplines, even in a hybrid form.
What are the "Kollisionen"?
The "Kollisionen" project week has become THE transdisciplinary event at the UdK Berlin. In the first week of January each year, up to 400 students and up to 40 teachers from all study programs come together and work on different projects. They collide with each other; they meet, each with his*her own expertise and competence. But not only do the students collide, so do the teachers. At least two or more professors or lecturers from different departments get together and think about a topic or a format in advance or together with you students, which will then be your testing ground during this special week. The projects can be process- or product-oriented, intensive or lengthy. They can broaden your horizons, challenge you, and sometimes push you to the limit – or simply be a nice encounter with others.
What happens when you collide – with yourself, with others, with the world?
First and foremost, something new and third emerges. That is the idea of the UdK Kollisionen: Provocation of disorder and mutual irritation, to celebrate the immense creative potential of spontaneous transdisciplinary exchange. No matter what happens: in any case, you will come into contact with students from other programs that you would otherwise never meet – hopefully digitally, too!
Why should I participate in the "Kollisionen"?
In the "Kollisionen" you will be put to the test: they are a playground of the imagination, a laboratory of the possible and a platform for the improbable. In the projects you will learn to trust your sense of desire and whim. You will be encouraged to listen to your ideas of the (near) impossible, to the ability to deal with the immediate and the unknown.
How does this collision week work?
Two professors or lecturers from different disciplines develop a common theme and/or format for the KOLLISIONEN fo you UdK students in the first week of 2024. From then on, it's just a matter of letting go and letting in!
At the end of the collisions, on Friday from 2 pm, there will be a big presentation of the results from this week - you will present to each other what you have been working on during these days.
This presentation will take place in the HZT (Inter-University Center for Dance), Studio 14.
The PROJECTS of Collisions 2025 will be presented individually here on the website from December 4.
The Archive of the Kollisionen you find here:
Kollisionen 2024
Koliisionen 2023
Kollisionen 2022
Kollisionen 2021
Kollisionen 2020 and earlier: www.campus-kollision.de