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groundless Exhibition @48Neukölln

source: UdK Berlin
source: Fang Tsai


A virus is changing the world in ways nobody ever expected. A world in which stability and clarity seem fleeting. A world of digital excess and personal abyss. In this mixed situation, we as media artists and designers can provoke and sow the seeds for new and different thinking. We can use strategies not to overcome such challenges, but to approach them poetically-critically and connect the missing dots. What remains are toys in the crisis surprise egg without durability and lifespan. "Groundless" plays with the media of a changed world.

Works from
Fang Tsai (Art and Media)
Jens Tiemann (Visual Communication)
Özcan Ertek (Art and Media)
Erik Anton Reinhardt (Visual Communication)
Dawoon Park (Visual Communication)


23.6.2022 - 26.6.2022


SUB TEI Berlin, Stuttgarter Str. 56, 12059