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raumklasse talks – summer 2023

source: UdK Berlin
source: UdK Berlin
source: UdK Berlin
source: UdK Berlin


tools to act
the design project of raumklasse deals with a fictitious but possible socio-political scenario: germany 2033, 100 years after 1933: the unimaginable happens - right-wing parties form the government.
how would we react artistically, how would we act? what space-related subversive tools, apparatuses or instruments what experimental equipment, what strange

equipment, what abstruse means and methods of constructive, creative resistance would we need and what choreographic, performative and political agency would the resistant tools have to unfold? how could we multiply them, make them available to others to call for collective action - and thus find comrades-in-arms and accomplices* through their performative potential?

everyday spaces, situations and places become our fields of action in a game between reality and fiction and our creative point of attack for the tools of action. they enable individual and/or collective actions for many - and they instigate a change of circumstances.

a cooperative project with the center for political beauty*.


may 12, 2023 - 10h
christina karababa
action tooling

may 16, 2023 - 16h
miriam hausner
the exhibition of protest

16 june 2023 - 10h
bankleer / karin kasböck + christoph maria leitner
no being - aesthetic speculations on the idea of an ecological class

june 20, 2023 - 10h
words don't come easy (you're welcome to sing along)
prof. holger jacobs / pbsa


we look forward to welcoming our guests at the raumklasse talks in summer 2023!
all talks will take place at udk medienhaus - raumklasse, r 105/106 - 

cordial invitation!