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Klasse Kampagnen visits partner universities, studios and institutions in New York

source: Klasse Kampagnen
source: Klasse Kampagnen
source: Klasse Kampagnen
source: Klasse Kampagnen

The Klasse Kampagnen Campaigns class travelled to New York in the summer of 2024 and visited partner universities, exhibitions, design studios and agencies as well as institutions such as the German House and the United Nations. In addition, initial preparations were made for the Summit of the Future project, which will culminate in an exhibition in New York in autumn 2024. The project is supported by the DWIH/German Centre for Research and Innovation New York.

Prof Barbara Kotte

Gosia Warrink

Sebastian Herold

Paul Knop

Paula Hornickel

Kaja Funke

Qianxue Zhang

Dominic Gollanek

Fanny Ebeling

Julius Riek

Linus von Appen

Penelope Hehl

Alexandra Trinkl

Iuliia Volokhina

Julius Tiemann