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Medienhaus Lectures »From Hidden to Highlighted«

source: UdK


In this year's Medienhaus Lectures at the ITG, we are looking forward to shedding light on the potentially transformative power of creative "visualization" from different perspectives. The invited speakers are Julia Meer (curator and head of the Graphics and Poster Collection at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg), Poligonal (works at the interface of urban practice, urban mediation and architecture) and Sinthujan Varatharajah (freelance researcher and essayist). Their presentations and the subsequent panel discussion promise revealing insights into the many facets and profound effects of visual communication in our society.


November 23, 6 p.m.

Medienhaus Lectures in the Aula,
Medienhaus (Grunewaldstraße 2-5, 10823 Berlin)