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[Translate to English:] Raumklasse Talks – Sommer 2024

source: Malte Andersen
source: Malte Andersen
source: Malte Andersen
source: Malte Andersen
source: Malte Andersen
source: Gestaltung: Malte Andersen / Foto: Raumklasse

Raumklasse Talks – Sommer 2024


Raumklasse Talks – Summer 2024 SPACES OF THE ANIMALS Within our project SPACES OF THE ANIMALS at Raumklasse in the summer semester 2024 we will explore human-animal relationships and how these are addressed and manifested through spatial structures and material realities. As early as the 19th century, humans became increasingly alienated from animals due to the rise of capitalism and later in modernity. We want to tell these stories of animals and humans through spatial expression – of living together, of mythologies and fables, but also of the exploitation, subjugation and ultimately the liberation of animals.

22.4. – 10h
Denise Reytan (Berlin)

7.5. – 15h
Kay Fingerle und Ludwig Heimbach (Berlin)
Mäusebunker - An Bord der Arche

14.5. – 17h
Jimenez Lai / Bureau Spectacular (Los Angeles)
A Field of Monsters

4.6. – 15h Dr. Arianna Ferrari (Berlin)
Mensch-Tier-Dualismus: Gestern und Heute

Medienhaus, UdK Berlin, Raum 105/106

More information:

Poster Design/Graphic Design: Malte Andersen