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Awarding of the Karl Hofer Scholarships 2024 – Awarding

© Karl Hofer Gesellschaft

Since 2018, the Freundeskreis der UdK Berlin | Karl Hofer Gesellschaft has been offering a new funding programme: the Karl Hofer Scholarships.

Since 2018, the Friends of the UdK Berlin | Karl Hofer Society has been offering a new funding program: the Karl Hofer Scholarships. Each year, several scholarships amounting to approximately €25,000 are awarded to selected graduates of the UdK Berlin, Faculty of Fine Arts, who have completed their studies in the current year. The program is specifically designed to facilitate the transition into professional life.

The selection process has two stages: professors from the UdK Berlin, Faculty of Fine Arts, nominate suitable candidates who can submit their initial applications digitally. Based on these digital applications, an independent jury makes a preliminary selection. The ten highest-rated candidates then present their works in the applicants' exhibition, which will be reviewed by the jury on November 28, 2024, in the entrance hall and side gallery of the UdK Hardenbergstraße.

This year, the jury consists of Prof. Dr. Ulaş Aktaş (Dean of the UdK Faculty of Fine Arts), Stefanie Kreuzer (Director of the Kunstmuseum Mülheim a. d. Ruhr), and Anna Lena Seiser (Deputy Director and Head of the Video-Forum Collection at Neuer Berliner Kunstverein - n.b.k.). Following their deliberation, the jury will announce the results during an award ceremony.

In 2024, four Karl Hofer Scholarships will be awarded, with a total value of €25,000:

  • One scholarship of €7,000
  • Three scholarships of €5,000 each
  • Six exhibition honoraria of €500 each (a “consolation prize”)

Members of the Friends of the UdK and guests are warmly invited to the Karl Hofer Scholarships 2024 award ceremony on Thursday, November 28, 2024, at 7:00 PM. The applicants’ exhibition for the Karl Hofer Scholarships is open to the public and can be viewed starting at 6:00 PM.

Participants of the Karl Hofer Scholarships 2024 applicants’ exhibition:
Nouri Almashhour * Louisa Boeszoermeny * Miriam Döring * Philomena Lauprecht * Victoria Martínez * Seongwon Park * Anastasia Putsykina * Clemens Schöll * Marco Siciliano * Aixing Wang
