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Welcoming of first-semester students 2023 – Infoveranstaltung

Heimann + Schwantes / UdK Berlin

First-semester welcome 2023

Dear new students, welcome to the Berlin University of the Arts!

At the beginning of the winter semester, the university welcomes its first-year students at the concert hall of the UdK Berlin to start their studies. After the welcoming speech by the President of the UdK Berlin Prof. Dr. Norbert Palz, a diverse stage program will provide insights into the artistic work of the four colleges: Fine Arts, Architecture, Media and Design, Music and Performing Arts as well as other areas.

Afterwards, there will be an opportunity for exchange in the foyer of the concert hall. At a Meet & Greet, various institutions and projects of the UdK Berlin as well as a variety of Berlin cultural institutions will introduce themselves.

The program and the exact time will be announced.


Stabsstelle Überfakultäre Veranstaltungen