Mensch, Maschine! Musik! [en]
input output: Gesprächskonzert. Musik – Mensch – Maschine – crescendo
MUSIK HÖREN ist ein Erlebnis – MUSIK ERLEBEN ist ein emotionaler Moment – MUSIK MACHEN ist Kunst.
There is no better medium of expression for joy, sadness, melancholy, tension or triumph than music. Is the wonderful moment of the human experience of music up for grabs through artificial intelligence?
Will we replace artists by AI like typewriters by computers and horse-drawn carriages by self-driving cars? Could we, would we, should we stop development or influence it in any way? Or is it only the desire of an aging generation to remain in the current?
A controversial discussion and concert evening about the future of music making. With musical contributions by Ligeti, Beethoven and others with the AST Quartet and other guests.
Moderation and program: Claus-Ulrich Bader / Guests: Christian Jost, composer and conductor / Folkert Uhde, organizer and concert designer / Jovanka von Wilsdorf, songwriter, artist coach, creative consultant / AST-Quartett and others.
crescendo is open to everyone! Therefore, all concerts are free admission.
Free reservations are possible here.
The UdK Berlin is committed to helping people in need. This year, up to half of the festival's donations will go to "Aktion Deutschland Hilft" to benefit earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria.
Künstlerisches Betriebsbüro der Fakultät Musik