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John-Dylan Haynes, AA Cavia & Beate Krickel – Veranstaltungsreihe

Lars Pinkwart

LOOPS is the event series of New Practice in Art and Technology in cooperation with the Berlin University Alliance, exploring current questions facing our society in a unique discursive format. Afterwards, the Bar provides a space for exchange between guests, researchers, students and the public. The accompanying LOOPS SESSIONS extend the series with workshops, performances and experimental formats.

The increasing incorporation of machine learning in neuroscience research as well as the use of the human brain as metaphor in current and historical conceptions of artificial intelligence, bring up the need for a (re)negotiation of intelligence, mind and brain, and consciousness. AA Cavia (Computer Scientist, Philosophy of Computation, Author of ‘Logiciel’), Prof. Dr. John-Dylan Haynes (Professor of Neuroscience, Director of BCAN, Charité) and Prof. Dr. Beate Krickel (Professor of Philosophy of Cognition & Dean of the Faculty for Humanities and Educational Sciences, Technical University Berlin) will approach this negotiation from their specific perspectives, converging in a shared discussion.

Prof. Dr. Marie-Luise Angerer who was originally planned as a speaker is unable to participate.


Info Design & Computation