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Make it Count by Matteo Haitzmann – Degree Bachelor/Master

Daliah Spiegel


In the performance piece Make it Count, various disciplines converged through a technique I've termed 'Jumping Hypnosis’. This rather intense experience immerses the audience in nearly an hour of continuous jumping. Over time, the act of jumping transcends into a profoundly hypnotic and almost ritualistic endeavor. Accompanied by two musicians on stage, Judith Schwarz (drums) and Arthur Fussy (Modular Synthesizer) a simple rope takes on multiple roles. It not only serves as a tool for jumping but also serves as an unconventional pendulum and transforming into an instrument itself.

Violinist, performer, composer in Vienna and Berlin. Studied jazz and baroque violin, performance art. Founding member of ALMA and Little Rosies Kindergarten. Composer and creator of music and performances. Debut at Wiener Musikverein in 2017. Currently a musician and performer in Berlin.

Concept, composition, performance: Matteo Haitzmann
Drums, composition: Judith Schwarz
Modular synthesizer, composition: Arthur Fussy
Sound design: Lukas Froschauer
Lighting design: Hanna Kritten
Ouside eye: Diego Agulló, Ana Lessing Menjibar
Production: Mollusca Production

Make It Count
