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PORTALE 2024 – Screening

Kathrin Scheidt

SoundS UdK + École Estienne DSAA DCN@ ZEISS Großplanetarium

PORTALE 2024 – SoundS UdK + DCM École Estienne @ Planetarium Berlin

Sound Studies and Sonic Arts Udk return to the Planetarium Berlin for a second edition of Portale to present a  collaborative project between the UdK SoundS Master programme and the DSSA DCN programme of École Estienne de Paris. Portale 2024 will showcase an evening of immersive audio-visual artworks in full dome projection with 360° ambisonics sound. 13 works for frameless media by students from both institutions will repurpose the planetarium’s 23-metre-high dome, and make full use of the ten ZEISS VELVET video projectors, 49 speaker and 4 subwoofer soundsystem to create three-dimensional immersive artworks, from journeys into artificial worlds to generative explorations of colour, space and sound. The works screened at Portale 2024 will also be shown at the SOUS DÔME festival at Planetarium de la Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie in Paris in March 2025.

Date: Monday December 9, 2024
Time: 18:00-21:00 (screenings beginning at 19:00)
Location: Zeiss-Großplanetarium, Prenzlauer Allee 80, 10405 Berlin
Tickets: free admission -

PLEASE NOTE: Admission is free, but due to limited space, advance reservations are requested: Tel: +49 (30) 421 845 10 or

Artists: Tuce Alba, Rémi Avignon + Loris Foti, Titouan Bessenay + Thomas Lea Clarke + Kulku, Titouan Boireau + Kurt Reinartz Salgado + Mathieu Trehin, Farhad Farzali + Eloïse Gonin + MAF + Andréa Terroso, Gene Fin + Lynn Simamora + Xviinash, Nicole Luján, Damián Noguera, Zoé Pouvreau + Flore Wodey + Basile Leckner, Nithin Shams + Cléo Tétard + Rachel Trucot, Maggie B Smith + Geoffrey Scott, Arthur Wardenski + Vicente Yañez.

Project lead: 
Prof. Daisuke Ishida (SoundS UdK, Berlin)
Mehdi Hercberg (DSAA DCN École Estienne, Paris)
Stephane Laporte (DSAA DCN École Estienne, Paris)
Martin Sulzer (SoundS UdK, Berlin)

Cooperation by: Sound Studies and Sonic Arts UdK Berlin, DCM École Estienne, Stiftung Planetarium Berlin and le Planétarium de la Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie.

Supported by: InKüLe UdK BerlinOFAJ/DFJW

Design: Kathrin Scheidt
Credit: Loris Foti + Remipti

