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Strangeness in Paradise? The Attractions of Otherness – Collaborative Practices & Generativity in Research – Tagung

Hana Yoo

Two-day hybrid event with keynotes, debates and artistic contributions through which we aim to sharpen our understanding of research and the importance of collaborative practices at an art university today.

with Valentina Berthelon, Homi K. Bhabha, Óscar Escudero, Ismail Fayed, Annika Haas, Nik Haffner, Cigdem Issever, Be Körner, Lilli Kuschel, Belenish Moreno-Gil, Rima Najdi, Arlette-Louise Ndakoze, Ann Noël, Norbert Palz, Filipe Pirl, Cord Riechelmann, Raphael Sbrzesny, Hamed Soleimanzadeh, MengXuan Sun, Alexandra Toland, Jan Verwoert, Britta Wirthmüller and Tsingyun Zhang

4 November 2022, 10am - 1pm at designtransfer/ foyer Einsteinufer | 2pm - 8pm at Georg-Neumann-Saal 

5 November 2022, 10am - 1pm at designtransfer/ foyer Einsteinufer | 2pm - 6pm at designtransfer/ foyer Einsteinufer
