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Zuki Ringart: Another form of the living thing – Degree Bachelor/Master

© Nerya Shohat Silberberg

BA Graduate Works 2022

Our body is inseperable from the previous bodies that we were.
And like any other material of nature, it is constantly doomed to be changed, affected and developed by the time, the space and the events in which it exists.
Past snippets, they cause movements of change.
Memory drops are dripping and being absorbed –
Becoming part of the body in its present progressive.
The body remembers and becomes memories in form of other bodies.
How many defining and transforming memories does it contain?
And if these memories exist within us – if the past is dancing within us now, maybe the now is also happening in our future?
In the performance-installation ‚another form of the living thing‘, a mother and her son are going to seek for cross generational physical memories. Together with sound and other matters in the space, they invite the audience to participate in a sacral - corporeal - trippy journey.
A journey towards the embodiment of the eternal body that we all might be.



Zuki was born in 1991, Israel.
A ‚Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes‘ stipend holder.
Graduated from MASPA, and VIDP dance training programs.
Since then he collaborates with artists and choreographers, working as a dancer, performer and a dramaturg.
His work ‚present | tense‘ (2018) and ‚Evening‘ (2019) premiered in ‚from Jafa to Agripas‘ (Jerusalem) and ‚IntimaDance‘ (Tel-Aviv) dance festivals.
In 2019 he moved to Berlin and started his studies in HZT.


Artist, performer, collaborator: Dorit Ringart
Sound artist, collaborator: Dasha Belous
Installation artist, collaborator: Nerya Shohat Silberberg
Artistic advisors: Siegmar Zacharias, Diego Agulló, Frauke Havemann and Odile Seitz Walser.
Author, performer: Zuki Ringart
