Benefiz Streaming Concert of the Jazz Institute Berlin
As we all know, the Corona crisis is a very difficult time for a lot of our students. Thanks to the leading department of the UdK Berlin there is now a bank account for donations through the Karl Hofer Gesellschaft. In order to publish this and to attract possible donors, the Jazz Institute Berlin recorded a Benefiz Streaming Concert in the Georg Neumann Saal.
The JIB wishs to thank all volunteer participants: Celine Rudolph, Peter Weniger, Paulo Morello, Bastian Stein, Igor Spalatti, Heinrich Köbberling, Christoph Undisz and Gerd Müller.
Here´s the link to the concert, please feel free to send it to possible donors:
Here you can find the number of the bank account for copying and sending:
Kontoinhaber: Freundeskreis der UdK Berlin | Karl Hofer Gesellschaft e.V.
Bank: Weberbank Actiengesellschaft
IBAN: DE08 1012 0100 1003 0589 32
Stichwort: Coronahilfe Jazz
All donors who send their adress get a receipt!