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MUSIC III - Inside Berlin's Music Sector

source: UdK Berlin

MUSIC III - Inside Berlin's Music Sector, 21 - 25 October 2019

Artists Trainig for Professionals

Artist Training BASIC III provides 5 days of information, consulting and networking to establish for artists in exile.

Artist Training MUSIC is an offer for artists in exile who seek to continue their professional artistic career. Goal of the module MUSIC III is to give a better understanding of how cultural institutions work, from state-funded to privately owned organisations and collectively organized festivals. Further insight is provided into the functioning of labels, booking agencies, the Musicboard Berlin and other initiatives in workshop sessions and with excursion. Throughout the workshop participants will get a chance to create new networks and further define their own standing within the creative industries.

The course is addressed to professional artists only, registration with Portfolio/CV is mandatory. The program is free of charge.

Supervisors MUSIC III: Felix Gebauer & Rafi Gazani

Venue: UdK Berlin Career College, Bundesallee 1-12, 10719 Berlin, Raum 341

Next modules:
12 – 15 11 2019 PERFORMING ARTS III – Chang Nai Wen & Anis Hamdoun  
08 – 13 12 2019 FINE ARTS III – Khaled Barakeh & NN 
20 – 24 01 2020 FILM III – Henner Winckler & Jalal Maghout          


Head of Program: Dr. Melanie Waldheim         melanie.waldheim_
Module coordination: Eva-Marie Geier            artisttraining-ziw_