Art Critics Orchestra
Art Critics Orchestra
Invitation to the concert of the Art Critics Orchestra at Casino Luxemboug as part of Nuit des Musées.
The Art Critics Orchestra (ACO) has five members, who are all part of the art world and to which they are giving it back musically. Since back in the day the ACO-live repertoire consists of their own compositions and a collection of artist songs, which have been created especially for the ACO – some of them as songs, some as ideas, and many as a concept only.
Judith Raum: vocals, guitar / Andreas Schlaegel: drums, vocals / Raimar Stange: base /
Laura Oldenbourg: keyboards / Micz Flor: vocals, guitar
Time: October 8th 2011, time: 00.30 a.m.
Place: Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain
41, rue Notre-Dame | B.P. 345 | L-2013 Luxembourg
T (+352) 22 50 45 | F (+352) 22 95 95