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Filmmakers’ Choice

Filmmakers’ Choice

Filmmakers’ Choice

MOSES UND ARON (BRD 1974) by Danièle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub and HUNDERT BLATT SCHREIBBLOCK (BRD 1969) by Vlado Kristl – the short film in memory of Carola Regnier, who loved Kristl’s work, new to recite his poems and lived with his paintings.

Kristl went from painting to film making, from Yugoslavia to the FRG, where he tried to paint his way back out of the movie theater. He painted a poster for MOSES UND ARON.

The screening will be the start of Stefan Hayn’s Seminar ‘Kino und Malerei’, that will be held in January together with other ARSENAL meetings and seminar days at the class of Hito Steyerl, Room 115, Hardenbergstraße 133.