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Salon für Ästhetische Experimente: Tanja Ostojić „Lexicon of Tanja Ostojić“

How is art linked to science and scholarship? How are they distinct? In this series, fellows of the Graduiertenschule für die Künste und die Wissenschaften will invite guests to discuss their work. Depending on the participants involved, each evening will take on a different shape, with conversations, experimentation, interventions, music making, or speculation.

For LEXICON, Berlin-based artist Tanja Ostojić sought out women with whom she shares her first and last name. By researching social media platforms and in personal conversations, she explores their paths of migration and working conditions in relation the questions of identity and gender.

Hosted by the cultural theorist Suzanna Milevska, in this talk show the artist herself—currently a fellow at the Graduiertenschule—speaks with two other Tanja Ostojićs.

A project of the Graduiertenschule für die Künste und die Wissenschaften, Universität der Künste Berlin in cooperation with Haus der Kulturen der WeltThe Graduiertenschule is supported by the Einstein Stiftung Berlin.