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Exhibition “Don’t Panic It’s Organic“ in Austria

Ausstellung „Don’t Panic It’s Organic“ in Österreich

Our fellow Lizza May David contributes to the group exhibition “Don’t Panic It’s Organic“ taking place at the Galerie Zimmermann Kratochwill in Austria.

„Sind diese ganzen Bäume notwendig?“ sage ich zu ihm. Wir sind von Grün umzingelt. So viel Grün.“ („Are all these trees necessary?“ I ask him. We are encircled by them. So much green.”) In Lily Brett’s short story a true New Yorker regrets her decision to spend a weekend in the countryside. The exhibition „Don´t Panic It´s Organic“ examines the ambivalent relation between human and nature shaped by transcendence, repression and menace. The Galerie Zimmermann Kratochwill offers the space to bring back the first nature as a domesticated world of things in the “White Cube”. The wild animal jumps metaphorically and as an allegory of the endangered nature in the exhibition space and turns the art into territory. The works feature contemporary artistic positions concerning the form of endangerment and its overcoming by aestheticising and therefore distancing the former “wild” – often with humorous components.

more information (German)

Opening: 27th February 2016, 11 am to 2 pm
Exhibition: 28th February 2016 to 2nd April 2016

Galerie Zimmermann Kratochwill
Opernring 7
8010 Graz, Austria