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Workshop @ Spektrum

Fellow Marco Donnarumma is hosting the workshop “XTH Sense Biophysical Music” in association with the programme “Dark Bodies Dark Identities” at Spektrum Berlin.

This weekend course offers hands-on experience and theoretical training in the performance of biophysical music and visuals with the XTH Sense. Biophysical music is an emerging form of live art based on a combination of physiological technology, markedly physical performance, and music computing.

Workshop participants will build from scratch their own wearable bioacoustic sensors; learn how to analyze and map the data from their muscle and body movements to generate music and visuals; and experiment with live processing of the sounds from their own bodies. Attention will also be paid to aesthetic considerations when using the XTH Sense in artistic contexts.

At the end of the workshop, participants will take home the XTH Sense they built, as well as the related software for their own continued creative use.

29 to 30 April 2017, 10 am- 5 pm

Birkner Str. 12
12047 Berlin

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