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„Acting Things” at Z33 in Belgien

The project in the exhibition space.

Judith Seng - ACTING THINGS Black on White is White on Black

 source: Kristof Vrancken

Our alumna Judith Seng presents her Project “Acting Things” in the frame of the exhibition The Politics of Design: Act 1at Z33 – House for contemporary art in Belgien.
The Politics of Design: Act 1 is about participation and political engagement in current design practices. The exhibition is presented in collaboration with the 15th edition of the international Participatory Design Conference and is about participation and political engagement in current design practices. This 'first act’ is the first exhibition in a longer trajectory that aims to start new collaborations in a local, regional and international context, and will result in a 'final act' in 2020: The Politics of Design Festival.
The exhibition presents three thematic events that make tangible the politics of ways in which participation is given form. These 'ways to participate' are: BODY (participating as an individual and as a physical body through the practices of care and work), COMMUNITY (participating through and towards creating a collective through the practices of commonality and representation) and CITY (participating as a stranger in larger scale networks, through practices of data production and collection, and contributions to complex challenges, such as sustainability). The Politics of Design: Act 1 starts the conversation on the complexities of our engagement by activating different design and research practices in the space of Z33’s beguinage houses.

When? Where?
22. November – 16. December 2018
Z33 – House for Contemporary Art
Zuivelmarkt 33
3500 Hasselt (BE) 

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