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Artist Talk on “Acts of Orientation”

Installation "plural" by Kerstin Ergenzinger at Archive Kabinett in Berlin

"plural", 2018

 source: Kerstin Ergenzinger, Archive Kabinett

Alumna Kerstin Ergenzinger will be giving an artist talk on ‘Acts of Orientation’ in conjunction with a book presentation by musician and curator Julia Eckhardt.   

Departure point of this evening's lecture is Ergenzinger’s long-term investigation on how to orientate oneself at the borderline of noise and signal. She aims to present selected tactile-kinetic installations and sculptural sense organs in relation to recent sonic surroundings like “Navigating Noise” and the new work “pluvial” – recently on show at Graduale 18. Along the way Ergenzinger will connect to the idea of rhythm, that vibrates in the gaps as a middle force between regularity and chaos, and to the role of gaps and lines in orientation processes such as sensing (walking, touching, listening, observing…), recording, reconstructing, translating and interpreting.

When? Where? 
20. November 2018
Errant Sound
Kollwitzstrasse 97
10435 Berlin 

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