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Book Launch "Hans Heinz Holz. Die Sinnlichkeit der Vernunft. Letzte Gespräche"

Book cover with a portrait of Hans Heinz Holz

Book cover

 source: junge Welt Verlag

Our former student employee Martin Küpper, Johannes Oehme and Vincent Malmede coedited the new book “Hans Heinz Holz. Die Sinnlichkeit der Vernunft. Letzte Gespräche”. Its book launch with Arnold Schölzel will take place in the Ladengalerie of Tageszeitung junge Welt in Berlin.

Maturing in the fight against the Nazis, Hans Heinz Holz encouraged after 1945 in his position as political journalist the fights against remilitarisation and emergency law.

In a talk Holz shows the ropes of dialectic philosophy and aesthetic based on his life - informally and in layman’s terms. He will depict the political fights in West Germany since 1945 and his participation as communist and philosopher.

Moderation: Andreas Hüllinghorst

Admission: 5,-€/reduced: 3,-€

6 March 2018, 7pm

Tageszeitung junge Welt - Ladengalerie
Torstr. 6
10119 Berlin

more information on the book launch (in German)

more information on the book (in German)