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“SEX” at Taxipalais in Tirol

Fabiana Faleiros: Mastur Bar, 2018 (a sculpture by Antigoni Tsagkaropoulou in detail)

Fabiana Faleiros: Mastur Bar, 2018 (a sculpture by Antigoni Tsagkaropoulou in detail)

 source: Sebastian Mayer

Our alumna Alex Martinis Roe presents two film installations in the exhibition “SEX” at Taxipalais in Tirol. Roe concipated “Bliss Techniques”, a film installation which revolves around not normative experiments with sex, specially for the exhibition 

Sex coincides with our being. The sex act is regarded as intimate, but causes the public sphere to culminate in personal space at the same time – as a singular expression and actualization of politics, as communication, as an arena of pleasure and fantasy, reproduction and violence.
Just like sex, art is also paradoxical; both act within contradictions, in in-between-zones and opposites. They are accomplices of knowledge and at once producers of a sensual surplus that is resistant to the categories of knowledge.

When? Where?
5 October 2018 to 27 January 2019
TAXISPALAIS Kunsthalle Tirol
Maria-Theresien-Straße 45
6020 Innsbruck

more information (Facebook event)