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Bestiarium - An interactive round of sound

Performance with children and instruments
source: Alberto Barrientos

Singular sounds whirr through the corridors and rooms, strange figures dart through the hallways and an old gramophone recording calls for help: A unique instrument from the past, once the centerpiece of a significant collection, it was silent for 100 years. In a hidden research lab populated by almost forgotten, whimsical beings, all your senses are called upon to search for solutions. What is real, what is fantasy? On this magical tour of HKW, concert, music theater and sound installation combine to form an interactive adventure. 

Bestiarium is a music theater production for people ages 6 and up, developed by the Berlin ensemble DieOrdnungDerDinge in collaboration with our former fellow Nuria Nunez Hierro. The project originated at the Graduate School at the Berlin University of the Arts and is funded by the Capital City Cultural Fund. The restaging is supported by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe. Made possible by the funding for resuming productions of the Berlin Senate.

When? Where?
Bestiarium public performance, in German

Sat 7.12., Son 8.12., Sat 14.12., Son 15.12. at 11 am, 3 pm, 5 pm, Fr 13.12. 7 pm

Bestiarium performance for school clases, in German

Mon 9.12., Tue 10.12., Thu 12.12., Fri 13.12. at 9.30 am, 12 pm
Haus der Kulturen der Welt

John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10

10557 Berlin

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