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One-Meter Rule

“One meter reflects a physical distance, but it’s also about closeness, and the idea of being close to someone. To capture someone in such close proximity, instinctually you become very scared. That closeness is the distance of being able to attack someone, which means they can attack you back.” Kazuo Hara

One-meter rule: accosting someone in public and taking a photograph of them from less than one meter away. The program organized by Dora Budor considers two films that operate too close to their subjects.

The first film of the programme, Children of the Mist (2021) by Hà Lệ Diễm screening at Klosterruine, will be followed by a discussion with Erika Balsom, Dora Budor and Enzo Camacho.


When? Where?
1 September 2023, 8pm
Klosterruine Berlin
Klosterstr. 73a
10179 Berlin

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