Sound Lab for Fluid Ways of Knowing
The Sound Lab for Fluid Ways of Knowing brings artists working with sound and language living in Ghana and Germany into a process of artistic research on methods of fluidity, orality, non-duality, process and improvisation. The Sound Lab will run the entire week of the Brecht Festival, February 10 - 17. During this time, the artists will repeatedly provide public insights into their processes and works via workshops and other interventions. The Lab will conclude its phase in Augsburg with a concert on February 17 and then continue in Accra in the spring. By "Ways of Knowing," the Sound Lab refers to practice-based, bodily, oral, traditional, acquired in lived experience (of the working class, in the global south, in gender transition or migration, etc.). It means the sonic and linguistic practices of the artists as well as insights into their own location in social structures and agency within them.
The Sound Lab is a collaboration between Okhiogbe Omonblanks Omonhinmin (TAC Org) and Andrea Goetzke (all2gethernow e.V.) and the Brechtfestival. Supported by the TURN2 fund of the German Federal Cultural Foundation.
On Saturday, 11 February, there will be a public dinner hosted by Omonblanks, cooking and eating together as a "fluid way of knowing".
When? Where?
10 - 17 February 2023
Saal der Alevitischen Gemeinde
Bozener Straße 4a
86165 Augsburg